Sabtu, 29 Mei 2010

fandi and niken

They are niken and fandi, one of two couples in class. They are so funny couple, i often to temp them. hahaha,just for kill my time. In first their relationship i ever asked fandi, how can he love her while in fact i knew that they were not recognize each other. He answered that the first time when they often to mock each other without reason. Then,just let it flow. Strange couple.hhahaha. oh y,you can call niken "AREM AREM" and fandi "PANDRONG". ???????..hahaha

Jumat, 28 Mei 2010

i was invited

klastic surabaya

Klastic (kaskus plastic & toycamera community) adalah wadah bagi para penggemar kamera plastic atau yang lebih sering disebut toycam di Indonesia.
mau tau lebih lanjut tentang klastic surabaya?


sepuluh empat,saya merasa rindu...

Kamis, 27 Mei 2010

i found it !!

pertama kali nemu gak berhenti ketawa.
band apa ini?
hahahaha.little band!!!!
iseng2 nemu scan2an foto buat lomba..
masih pada inget gak ya?

Rabu, 26 Mei 2010

Selasa, 25 Mei 2010

i wanna show

i toke it abaout a month ago, at despro.
do you know what is it ?

hello !

my name is yanuar !